We help talented authors turn their creativity into a source of regular income
More money from creativity
Have something to show/tell people?
Sponsr will help:
Increase the number
of subscribers
your audience
with subscribers
Believe in yourself and your creativity - it will definitely get the recognition it deserves.
We will support you and provide useful tools for interaction with sponsors.
Sponsr.ru - your ticket to financial and creative freedom!
Sponsr.ru - the platform for publishing all types of media content
and earning on subscriptions.
is great for
any type of
unique content
What can be published:
What genres and categories:
Health care
Film and Video
Engineering & Technology
and other
Featured Projects
Уроки истории
Съемки нового фильма
Уроки рисования
First among equals
income per month
####### ₽
Tynu40k Goblina
1 596
3 698 512 ₽
income per month
1 773
1 085 900 ₽
income per month
Uroki istorii
1 876
####### ₽
income per month
Orda. Rodnaya, zlobnaya, tvoya
433 173 ₽
income per month
Tovarishch major
40 300 ₽
income per month
income per month
##### ₽
income per month
104 400 ₽
Shkola kapitalizma
Your knowledge, your skills, your ability to express thoughts in words, artistic images, your talent as a teacher or a storyteller —
everything that can be summed up with the word "creativity" —
will certainly be in demand.
Do you want to join the club of talented people, find your audience and monetize your creativity and knowledge?
Take 6 Simple Steps:
Fill out the questionnaire
Create your personal page
Set subscription levels
Create your project
Invite your audience
on social media and messengers
We will provide support at every stage, and it will be not just technical support,
but advice and recommendations based on the analysis of our experience and successful practices. If necessary, a personal curator will assist you in the process.
Why authors and creators join Sponsr.ru
Goblin, vip.oper.ru
There are now resources, ways, and means available in Russia where you can organize your own subscribers.
So here is our beloved Sponsr.
A platform in which you set a price, and the subscriber gets certain content by contributing money to the author.
Great stuff!
I, the other authors of Sponsr.ru, and the creators of this platform, do not consider our work to be just a mechanism for making money. We consider it, in a sense, a place of freedom, both for authors and our dear users. Because the former (authors) work without looking back at the system, and the latter (users) receive the results of this work, free from systemic pressure. And one day, if desired, they begin to produce such free labor themselves.
Many people must have heard that bloggers today are making good money. There are even those that Forbes writes about. And here I personally experienced and got seriously hooked by the fact that subscribers actually pay for content consumption. Without boring you too much, you can easily verify it yourself.
In the first three days I have collected almost 70 000 rubles. In three days, CARL!
We have our first set of lessons on Ancient History currently underway at Sponsr. The idea was that I would make the lessons for schoolchildren somewhat broader and deeper than what is offered in schoolbooks. By increasing the timing, I can cover everything in a much more systematic way.
On YouTube, if I release 60 videos about a certain historic topic, people just won't watch them. It's an immediate, guaranteed drop in views. Here, on the other hand, you have a subscription, and people come purposefully for knowledge. And they don't care if it's 60 lessons, 40 or 70.
Klim Zhukov, «Uroki istorii»
Quality content without corporate censorship, provided directly, feels like a kind of luxury. Having a subscription to a particular author today is like having your own tailor or chef. You know exactly what you're paying for, and the content ranges from philosophical essays to drawing lessons.
Here's what subscribers say:
How much money is earned on Sponsr.ru:
RUB per month
Bloggers, aspiring authors
Psychologists, teachers
RUB per month
RUB per month
Top authors
RUB per month
Calculate expected income
Provide links where you publish content
If you work on similar topics as the authors below, select one of them for a more accurate calculation
potential income
on Sponsr
RUB per month
RUB per year
You can
make a living
on creativity
total revenue of Sponsr authors
average monthly growth of payouts
RUB/month avg. subscription receipt
platform commission
withdrawal commission
average age of subscribers
Our Authors' stories
Before Sponsr.ru, I sold financial, economic, and political analytics to order for companies, investment funds, and research centers. I wrote articles for the Russian federal media and ran my own personal channels on LiveJournal, YouTube and Telegram.

The transition to Sponsr was in some ways reminiscent of any business shifting from serving large wholesale customers to retail. But otherwise this kind of business does not present any unique difficulties: there is the same need to be self-starter (who does not need additional motivation and a boss over his head), the same need for proper branding, differentiation of their product, uncompromising quality control, rational marketing.

I promoted the project through my personal Telegram channel, and then the project was promoted by "word of mouth" by the readers themselves, for which I thank them very much, because this for me is an indicator of its usefulness for them. It took me about 48 hours to reach a stable income.

«Klub Zelenoj Svin'i»
Oleg Makarenko
Before we started earning on Sponsr, Crimson and I ran some pretty popular blogs where we wrote about finance and politics. We had some filming experience, so there was no problem launching Klub Zelenoj Svin'i. Our video director developed a convenient recording scheme that allowed us to produce our hour-long videos basically on the fly, and with good sound quality.

The project began to generate income from the very first month. We announced in our blogs that we were launching a new project, and, if my memory serves me correctly, we posted a video snippet so that potential subscribers would not buy a pig in a poke. Within the first month, we had built up quite a sufficient follower base to consider the project a success.

We earn 180,000 rubles a month on the project, which, after paying commissions, taxes, and the video director's salary, leaves us with a fairly acceptable sum. We expect that our audience will continue to grow, also because our existing subscribers will bring us new subscribers by word of mouth.


On August 1, 2019, my project on Sponsr went live. Initially I planned, like all sane people, that it should be some kind of exclusive, meaning that no one else would see it, only the guys and gals who put in the money. Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way, because of the workload I can't make any exclusives. But as part of the project, I'm posting videos that are watched a week earlier by those who have subscribed. 

The only reason I can put out all these videos is because people have subscribed, because they are interested, and I thank them very much for that. This creates a financial cushion, within which I can give up on anything else, and do what is interesting to me personally, and what is interesting to people. I can say for myself that without this, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish a lot of things.

Ekaterina Fedorova
I had been running my channel for about four years before starting to work with paid subscriptions. I had been running my channel for about four years before starting to work with paid subscriptions. The biggest challenge was to dare to find out if people were willing to pay for what you have to offer. The fear of "I'm going to run a paid project, but actually no one is interested in my work" was definitely there. After the paid project was launched, I had to rethink the quality of my master classes: video, voiceover, workplace comfort. Yes, that too had to be changed, as the amount of work increased. Consistency is also important. As long as you're running a free project, you may or may not put out videos. With a paid project, I set a certain bar and made certain promises to subscribers, which I try to keep. So far, the only month I haven't been able to keep my promises is the one where my whole family got Covid.
A sincere thank you to my subscribers - everyone wished me well and patiently waited for the workshops to come out the following month. Nobody unsubscribed. I promote the project using my YouTube channel, where I publish short overview videos and my VK group. It seems to me that the stability of income strongly depends on the starting numbers. By the time I started the subscription based project, I had already been running a YouTube channel for a few years. Probably, if they both had started at the same time, the situation would have developed differently. In general, taking into account the changes in the quality of the videos and other things, a consistent income came in the third or fourth month of work.

«Vremya Vperyod!»
Evgeny Super
Prior to working on Sponsr, we already had experience working with sponsors on other platforms. But Sponsr won us over by the fact that it is a Russian company, which is especially important for our audience. Therefore, many of our subscribers moved to Sponsr from YouTube, which has been profitable for us, as the American service has a much higher commission. We managed to achieve a stable income from Sponsr and it helps us to develop the project, to upgrade the hardware and to cover people's salaries. In the new year we are ready to storm new heights!
We help you attract subscribers
Thanks to the accumulated data and the tools for its analysis, we help prevent subscriber outflow and know how to bring back subscribers who have left.
Personal curator for an easy start and support, if necessary.
Design tips and best practices
Content recommendations on other resources
We help you monetize
subscribers in the best way possible:
We do not engage in secondary monetization of authors and subscribers:
Built-in means of payment without the need to deal with it yourself
Regular subscription to automate debits and
projected income
Ability to configure various subscription levels
The subscriber's path and direction toward the target payment amount is embedded in the platform
User and author support service helps resolve payment issues
Flexible subscription settings
The ability to organize paid access to earlier publications allows you to monetize your audience more effectively
We do not place ads on the platform
We do not sell data to anyone
We do not use data for mailings
We do not impose recommendations on readers.
does not replace other types of monetization, but complements them

Regular subscription - a predictable income, which is much better than one-time donations.
If you make money from advertising, Sponsr.ru will help you increase your income, as one paying subscriber generates 10-100 times more than a viewer or reader in the advertising model.
Sponsr.ru is easier than having your own website with a subscription, because we take care of all the technical, organizational and financial aspects, including the issuance of cash receipts, so that the author has no questions from the tax authorities.

"Sponsr accepts both foreign and Russian cards – it's convenient to have everything in one place."
"I don't worry about the storage and, more importantly, the security of my personal data – Sponsr does that."
"Online cash register, CRF, receipts. Grateful that I don't have to think about these things, instead Sponsr takes care of it all."
Sponsr.ru – an entirely Russian project
We have been working since 2019 and we see the obvious benefits of Russian jurisdiction:
Fundraising and income generation in national currency in Russia
Easy transfer and withdrawal of money
Transparency and standard taxation scheme
Easy interaction with the Russian-speaking audience
Create interesting formats, develop and inspire your subscribers without being distracted by technical and organizational aspects of the creative process – Sponsr.ru will do it all for you!
Any questions left?
CrimsonAlter — Analytics — нетоксичный сервис короткой аналитики и новостей по финансам и макроэкономике с авторскими комментариями. Новостная повестка и оценки автора могут не совпадать и чаще всего не совпадают с новостной повесткой мейнстримных финансовых и политических СМИ. В этом несовпадениии и заключается ценность.
«Мараховский» — вдумчивая до безжалостности публицистика. Качество гарантируется репутацией производителя. Вы не упустите по-настоящему важного и не получите ни одной бездумной интерпретации происходящего. Проект для нормальных взрослых людей, сохранивших волю к смыслу в эпоху информационного пост-апокалипсиса.
«Уроки истории» — авторский проект Клима Жукова. Расширенное освоение программы в доступной и занимательной форме. Ведь история — это очень интересно. И главное преступление преподавателя — рассказывать о прошлом скучно. Уроки выходят два раза в неделю по вторникам и четвергам в 18.00 МСК.
«Литвяк»: авторы фильма «28 панфиловцев», снятого на народные средства и вышедшего в 2016-м году, объявили сбор на финансирование фильма о легендарной летчице Лидии Литвяк. Особенность этих фильмов в том, что их снимают со всем уважением к подвигу предков, а герои фильмов — действительно Герои. Можно оформить подписку любого уровня или внести единоразовый платеж в помощь фильму.
«Мастер-классы по живописи» — проект Екатерины Федоровой, создателя канала о рисовании «Анурисуй». У проекта есть собственная навигация по мастер-классам, подписка открывает доступ не только к ним, но и к эскизам, референсам и индивидуальной помощи автора в выполнении живописных работ. Рисовать могут все, особенно если учиться вместе с «Анурисуй»!
Tynu40k Goblina: вас категорически приветствует российский писатель, публицист, переводчик, блогер и разработчик компьютерных игр Дмитрий Пучков (Гоблин). Подписчики проекта раньше всех получают доступ к обзорам сериалов, интервью и прочим видео, а также возможность добавить свое имя и фотографию в титры любого ролика. Подписывайтесь сами и призывайте заинтересованных камрадов.